St. Michael
St. Michael

St. Michael Peanuts

There's a lot we could tell you about the skill, love and attention that goes into growing, salting and roasting these great American nuts. But you've got better things to do, so we´ll make it short and sweet: it´s like peanuts, only bigger and better. Enjoy!
St. Michael XL Peanuts


Peanøtter 96 %, rapsolje 3 %, havsalt.
Produktet kan inneholde andre nøtter, melk, gluten og soya.


Næringsinnhold pr. 100 g

Nettovekt: 175 g

Energi 2390 kJ/571 kcal
Fett 50 g
mettede fettsyrer 6,2 g
Karbohydrater 7,5 g
sukkerarter 4,5 g
Kostfiber 8,2 g
Protein 25 g
Salt 1,04 g

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